fifth gathering of the Asian Movement for Christian Unity (AMCU
V) was held from 2 to 4 December 2010 at the Federation of Asian
Bishops' Conferences (FABC) Documentation Center at the St Louis
Hospital compound in Bangkok, Thailand.
(29) participants, representing the Christian Conference of Asia
(CCA), the Federation of Asian Bishops' Conferences (FABC), the
Asia Evangelical Alliance (AEA), and the Asian Pentecostal Society
(APS) took part. Earlier AMCU gatherings (Hong Kong, 1996; Bali,
1998; Chiang Mai, 2001; Kuala Lumpur, 2007) were jointly sponsored
and organized by the CCA and FABC. The participation by representatives
of AEA started in AMCU IV and now in AMCU V the Asia Pentecostal
Society was invited as the result of a suggestion from the Asian
gathering of the Global Christian Forum in Seoul, Korea, on 12-16
November 2010.
theme of AMCU V was: "One in the apostles' teaching, fellowship,
breaking of bread and prayer" (cf. Acts 2:42). This is the
theme for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in 2011. In the
sharing of our faith journeys with Christ we discovered the work
of the Holy Spirit among us. Throughout these days, there were presentations
and fruitful and open discussions on the topics, "One in the
Apostles' Teaching", "One in the Gift and Task of Fellowship
in Christ", and "One in the Breaking of Bread and Prayer".
issues dealing with challenges to our fellowship in Christ were
also discussed in the course of the event. These issues were those
such as conflict transformation, interfaith relations and cooperation,
human dignity, and care for creation. There had been trustful sharing
on what measures might be taken in response to these realities.
the light of our experience at this gathering, the participants
call upon the component bodies (CCA, FABC, AEA and APS) to:
1. increasingly provide support for joint efforts in addressing
ecumenism at the local level;
2. facilitate more space for dialogue of faith in order that we
might better understand one another's faith convictions;
3. facilitate a greater sharing of how an emphasis on spirituality
may be helpful in responding to contemporary societal challenges;
4. provide resources for the materialization and possible expansion
of AMCU gatherings every three years; and
5. encourage the possible coordination and integration of themes
among AMCU, the Congress of Asian Theologians (CATS) and the Asia
Conference of Theological Students (ACTS).
our oneness in Christ, we look forward to the next gathering of
the Asian Movement for Christian Unity (AMCU VI) in the middle of
Conference of Asia (CCA)
Federation of Asian Bishops' Conferences (FABC)
Asia Evangelical Alliance (AEA)
Asian Pentecostal Society (APS)
4 December 2010